If you were at ISGB this year, you'll know I spent much of my time at the Gathering with Ruby strapped to my chest. She was great, sleeping in the ergo like a dream. I was happy just to be there and didn't mind carting around my 18 pounds of smiley cuteness the whole time. I consider it my 'exercise'... Plus for a shy gal she makes a good conversation starter.
During the conference I was overwhelmed by how lucky I am to know so many talented people who make creative wonderful glass beads, jewelry, tools and other glassy things we bead heads can't live without! Not to mention my circle of friends back home and around the globe who make such incredible work. These past couple years while I've been focused more on babes than beads I've had time to appreciate all the beautiful things around me that others are making. It's impressive and kind of a nice change to be on the other side for a little while.
At ISGB I felt humbled, inspired and welcomed by my community of peers. It was great to see old friends, get to know some better and make new friends too. I felt the love and of course it didn't hurt having a baby strapped to me whos' toes everyone wanted to squeeze.
There were so many great presentations and demos. I'm blown away by the work everyone is making. There's been a gap since the last ISGB gathering I attended and innovation was everywhere. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to talk about glass with everyone. I also appreciated some good mom to mom advice on being an artist and having kids from peers and mentors who I've looked up to for years.
One of my most favourite bead makers who's work I admired before I even took my first class, received the hall of fame award this year. Yay Heather Trimlett, you make beautiful beads, and your clean aesthetic has always inspired me. Heather makes perfection look easy! And, it's nice to have someone creating tools that look as nice as they are functional.
So much has changed the last couple years it was a real treat going to ISGB. By the end I was feeling a little emotional. It's important I remember all the things in life, aside from family that excite and fulfill me especially during this stage when the kids are young and I hardly have a minute to myself. I think I'll be riding my ISGB buzz for a while!
Thanks to all my friends for making Houston ISGB illuminating.
See my flickr ISGB album here for more pics.
Shown Aja Vas, Janice Peacock, Libby Leuchtman, Stephanie Sersich, Heather Trimlett, Angie Ramey, Red Opal, Nancy Tobey, and Joy Munshower.
Xo Amy

Comments (10 Responses)
Amanda Muddimer
So lovely to meet you and Ruby Amy – I loved reading your post here and looking at the pictures – so sad it’s all behind us but look forward to seeing you again perhaps next year. :) xxx
Marcy Lamberson
Amy so good to see you again. It has been years. Loved meeting Ruby and hearing about your life.
Susan Wise
flying down to Houston with Ruby is a BIG deal. Glad it was so successful and happy too.
Lori Peterson
It was truly an epic moment when I got to meet you! I have been following your work for so many years and just am in love with it, truly. You make absolutely adorable offspring, as well. :)
29 July, 2014
Oh I’m so lucky to meet Ruby … we share the exact SAME BIRTHDAY! How fun is that? I loved seeing you take care of her almost as much as talking with all the artists.